Partners on and off the ballroom dance floor, Drs. Philip and Susan Robison are licensed psychologists who specialize in marriage counseling and consulting to business couples and to professionals who work with couples. They were pioneers in living a "dual career lifestyle" before this phrase or any role models existed. With the insight and wisdom of their business partnership and combined 50 years as marriage therapists, and their 40-year marriage, the Robisons inspire their clients and audiences with an optimistic model of how ordinary people can create extraordinary marriages.
The Drs. Robison both received their doctorates in psychology from Ohio University in the early 1970’s. They started separate careers in psychology, professor (Susan) and hospital psychologist (Phil). In the 1980’s faced with the challenge of a school aged child and no before/after school day care, they started part-time private practices in Howard County to be closer to their daughter’s school. Specializing in marriage counseling, they have also been sought out by many business couples who wanted help in blending their career lives with personal relationships and by dual career couples looking for coaching in the intricacies of that lifestyle choice.
Susan and Phil continue to enjoy weekly dance lessons and practice but miss their favorite dance partners, their daughter, Christine, an instructor in family science at University of Texas and son-in-law, Jason, a web designer in Austin. Devoted grandparents to Chris and Jay’s son, they are frequent flyers to Austin where according to their grandson, they give him a good break from “everyday with Mommy Daddy, Mommy Daddy, Mommy Daddy.”
Phil and Susan deliver seminars, keynotes, and business consultations to couples who want Extraordinary Marriages and people who want to blend successful work lives with satisfying personal lives. They speak on:
• 30 Days to an Extraordinary Marriage
• Secrets of Extraordinary Marriages
• Living by Design: Blending Prosperous Work Lives with Satisfying Personal Lives.